Work expressions

by | 25 Apr 2020 | Business English, General English, Grammar

There are many expressions that we use either at work or to do with work. Below we will look at some, explain their uses and provide some examples:



Many people work in a dead end job (informal)


If someone works a dead end job, They have a job which does not have any prospects.


A ‘dead end’ is also a road that only has one entrance and exit.  


All day I have been up to my eyes in paperwork (informal)


If someone is up to their eyes in something, they are very busy with it.


They are up to their eyes with complaints/problems

Sorry I can’t respond now, I am up to my eyes with classes

Are you up to your eyes at the moment?


Sometimes when communicating face to face with someone, people point to their eyes of forehead

saying ‘I am up to here


Talking Shop


If someone talks shop, they talk about work when they are not at work.

Stop talking shop, we are on holiday!

She wants to talk shop for 5 minutes before we start drinking; it is always the same

Sorry to talk shop but…….



Against the clock


If someone or something is against the clock, time is running out, short or tight.

We are against the clock, I need you all to concentrate!

Incredible, against the clock everybody managed to get the task done.

It is impossible to relax at this time with everybody against the clock


Up against it

People often talk of being up against it which can refer to time:

Deadline is in one hour, we are really up against it

Up against it can refer to situation, obstruction and other problems.

They were really up against it with the staff shortages



Are there any others that you know?

What are you favourites?

Do you have any interesting or similar expression from your mother tongue when translated into English?



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