Prefixes: creating opposites in adjectives

by | 29 Jun 2021 | General English, Grammar

Prefixes are components or particles that can go at the beginning of adjectives to give them an opposite meaning 




What a considerate man he is!

What an inconsiderate man he is!


She is without any doubt, a competent employee. I would recommend her.

She is without any doubt, an incompetent employee. I would not recommend her. 


The efficiency of the new operating system has made our jobs much easier.

The inefficiency of the new operating system has made our jobs much more difficult. 




As a student, I expect the teacher to engage with me.

As a student, I don’t expect the teacher to disengage with me.


What an organised group. They work so well together.

What a disorganised group. They work so badly together.


I would have hoped that the prime minister would have not sacked him for being loyal.

I  would have hoped that the prime minister would have sacked him for being disloyal.





Updating the software during working hours is logical as the IT department will be here already.

Updating the software during night hours is illogical as the IT department will not be here.













Be responsible and pay your bills and support your family.

Be irresponsible and don’t pay your bills and don’t support your family.


Don’t worry as your deposit will be retrievable if you change your mind

Worry as you deposit will be irretrievable if you change your mind.


Let me know if you find anything relevant.

Don’t let me know if you find anything irrelevant.





Everything is placed in good places and look fantastic

Everything is displaced and looks terrible.


If your application for a loan is approved, you will receive the money in three days.

If your application is disapproved, you will not receive the money in three days.


He likes your painting and will try to buy it.

He dislikes your painting and will not try to buy it.




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