Leaving and taking messages

by | 2 May 2020 | Business English, General English

Imagine either making a call or receiving a call for someone and they are not there:



Hello could I speak to ‘John’ please? 


the response could be:


I am sorry John is not here..

Can I take a message?

Shall I tell him you called?

Would you like to leave a message?


alternatively the caller could make a request:


Could I leave a message (please)? (English speakers expect a please!)

Can you tell him I called?

Could i leave a message?


We can also ask:


When will he be back?

Do you know where he is?


We can also say:


He is expecting my call.

Is (someone else) there?

Can somebody else help?



Alternatively we may say:


I will call back

Is he/she on their mobile?

Do you happen to know if….


To be polite you can use ‘fillers’ such as:


That’s a shame…..

It’s not important…


We can begin any request with:


I was wondering if… (** is available)

Would it be possible to talk to…


Sometimes someone might say:


I can put you through to his/her voicemail?

Sorry he/she is in a meeting (have we not all heard that one before!) 🙂




Do you normally leave messages?

Is it different if you are calling a friend?

How often do you check your phone?

Do you always answer your phone when it rings, why/why not?




Perhaps you use social media more than a phone?


What is your favourite way of contacting people?


Do you have a home phone or just a mobile?


Can you remember people’s phones numbers by heart?


What is the best way to contact you?


Do you know someone who  never answers their phone? If so, how do you contact them?



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