Giving opinions: not sounding offensive and making generalisations

by | 19 Jun 2021 | Business English, General English, Grammar

Giving Opinions


Imagine a world where everybody just said what they wanted about everything:


  • People take things to seriously.
  • Builders and lawyers cost too much.
  • I didn’t like the food you made for me.
  • Shut the door!


Whilst there are times when it may be appropriate to speak like this, we need to be able to ‘soften’ what we say either to simply be polite or because we do not wnat to hurt someone’s feelings.


People take things too seriously!

People can perhaps take things too seriously.

Maybe people can take things more seriously than intended.

Sometimes people can understandably take things more seriously


Builders and lawyers cost too much!

Builders and lawyers can be expensive.

It can be the case that builders and lawyers are expensive.


I don’t like the food you made for me!

You did well making this but I thought that what you cooked the other day was better.

I am really sorry but would you mind if I left the pie as I am struggling to finish it.

I hope you don’t mind but I will have to pass on the meal tonight as I am recovering from a touch of food poisoning.


Shut the door!


Would you be so kind as to shut the door please?

Could you shut the door please?

Sorry to ask but could you please shut the door for me please?


We like to hear ‘please’ and ‘thank you’!




On the whole, people hope that this Covid situation will improve by September. 

Generally speaking, it is fairly hot from July to September in London.

It is the case that shops close at 4pm on Sunday in the UK.

People tend to think that we are still not doing enough to protect the environment.

Traffic is a nuisance wherever you are.




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