Describing activities: do, play or go to?

by | 28 Oct 2020 | General English, Grammar

We use different verbs to describe activities. The type of activity dictates with verb we use.


We can use ‘do’ with activities we do in a place



Shelly likes the idea of going to do yoga

Jenny wants to do Judo as it may help with her confidence.

If you want to do aerobics, it costs £15 for a one hour class.


We can conjugate verbs with activities:


We did weight training together for the first time. (past)

Who thought that doing Pilates would be so difficult? (continuous)

John will do yoga for the first time after his surgery, I hope he will be OK! (future)




We use go to when visiting places:



Let’s go to the circus!

On Friday they like going to the supermarket.

During the Covid 19 pandemic it is difficult to go to the theatre.




We use go with activity nouns that end in ‘ing:



It is always the same. After school they all go skateboarding together in the park.


It is too cold to go swimming during the winter.


If you have a pass you can go skiing every day anywhere you like.




We can conjugate these verbs with other ideas:



I was thinking of going to play backgammon with Fred. 


They were considering going skating on the lake if you are interested.


Who wants to do some hiking on the weekend?



We play games and ballgames:



You can join us but remember, we play cards for money. 


At school I would play tennis, but would always lose.


We are looking for 11 girls who would like to play football.





What do you do on your holiday?

How do you spend your free time?

What do you like to?

What have you done?

What would you suggest/like doing?




Maybe there is something you don’t like doing?





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