Conjunctions: contrasting

by | 16 Oct 2021 | General English, Grammar

There are numerous ways to connect two contrasting ideas.



In spite of not drinking alcohol, I sat in a bar for two hours with my friend talking about old times.


There are 2 clauses here. There is a surprise element because it is not generally expected that someone who does not drink alcohol [contrast] would sit in a bar for two hours [the main idea].


It is also possible to to say:


Notwithstanding that I don’t drink, I sat in bar for two hours with my friend talking about old times.

Although I don’t drink, I sat in a bar for two hours….

In spite of the fact I don’t drink, I sat in a bar for two hours…. 



even though makes a stronger contrast to although


Even though I have told you many times that I don’t like coriander, you have put it in my food.

Even though there was a fire in the building and everybody was told to leave as soon as possible, they made sure that they grabbed their mobile phones first.

There is a risk of catching Covid at a football stadium, even though people are wearing masks and have been vaccinated. 


even if is a conditional that makes a stronger contrast to although



Even if you had all the money in the world, I would not marry you!

She said that she would never jump out of a plane, even if meant that she could have three weeks off work afterwards.

Even if you have classes every day, it is necessary to do homework in order to improve your English skills.


Note that both even if and even though can change position in a sentence without changing the meaning.


How about you?



What do you do even if you should not?

What has happened although you did not expect it to?

In spite of what did something result or not result?




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