Comment adverbs

by | 16 Jul 2022 | Uncategorized

Although comment adverbs most appear at the beginning of sentences, they can sometimes also appear at the end. They are separted from the rest of the sentence with a comma or by intonation in speech.


If we are judging [positively or negatively]


Stupidly, I trusted you to water the plants. I have come back after one week and they are all dead!

If you go to a gravetsone and move a coin in a circular direction on the top of it, you will wake up a ghost, apparently!



Carelessly, Bob left the window open and now there is a cockroach running around the bedroom!

Everybody said to you to not offer more than £350 for the car but straight away you paid £425, unashamedly.


expressing opinions


Fantastically, the balloon blew out of the window on the fifth floor but came back in again through the kitchen window on the ground floor. You could not have planned it any better.

They are not able to help anybody on this this, unfortunately.

Honestly, who would pay to plant a tree in another continent without reading the information beforehand?


talking about probabilty


Apparently, if we all work an extra hour a day, in three years time we will all be able to work 2 hours less every day as a reward for our dedication!

It will be there in the middle of the garden, definitely!



Clearly, if we put the beer in the freezer now, the cans will explode and there will be no beer for the party.


we use adverbs to express a viewpoint


Scientifically speaking, it is impossible to set fire to water.

There are of course many ways to answer a question. However, it is important to note that considering it academically does not mean the response is a practical one on a day to day basis.



Critically evaluating the sitaution, it has to be said that placing a fridge in a window is not a good idea as the sun shines through the window every morning.




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