adverbs/adjectives: what are they and how do they work?

by | 23 Jul 2022 | Grammar

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

Adverbs can be dividied into categories



Having spent a lot of time in law lectures for a number of years, I can comfortably explain the elements of a contract.

Adding a little sugar in a pasta sauce can reduce the acidity and make the sauce pleasant.




Sometimes, it is s good idea to go over the classnotes as thye can remind us of something that we may have forgotten.

They suggest now and again, changing all your passwords.



Her mother was extremely happy when we paid her a surpise visit.

Listening to music slightly helps the time go quicker.




Apparently my English is C2 level, which is incredible considering I only started learning 4 years ago.

The car made a horrible noise but amazingly, the noise was created by driving over a can of beer.


Time and location 

Now is the time to go and ask. Never again, will you have all these people here together at the same time.

There she goes, I am going to miss her.


Recent time and frequency

Having already covering this subject in the main presentation, I am inclined to ignore your question.

Soon it will be time to get a new computer.


Adjectives modify nouns

My comfortable armchair.

She is a very pleasant person to work with.

Your explanation is quite contorted and it is hard to follow.

The wet paint smells quite nice!


Adjectives and adverbs are often close in spelling




Underestimating the crtical changes in the atmosphere can critically affect the future of the planet.

The dramatically hot bath had a rather dramatic effect on my wellbeing.

Tropical juice is always necessary when tropically experimenting different ways to enjoy the heat.

Enchantingly, he convinced me how an enchanting approach can influence people who have no intention of listening to anybody.

In summary, adjectives describe nouns and adverbs describe verbs. There can be a recognisable pattern which can help and in other cases unfortunatley we have to learn them.







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