
by | 19 Nov 2021 | General English, Grammar

Confusable are words that look or sound alike but have different meanings. There are many and we will look at some common ones here. It may be a good idea to use a good online dictionary with a listening option where you can check the pronunciation. 




She simply cannot accept /əkˈsept/ anything less than 100% from her team. [verb – understand/agree]

Everything was fine except except /ɪkˈsept/ the the typical British weather. [conjunction – excluding]





What advice /ədˈvaɪs/ would you give your younger self? [noun – suggestion]

As a parent, my father would advise /ədˈvaɪz/ me to save a little money every week. [verb – give suggestion]




Further to the lengthy discussions, someone is going to have to affect /əˈfekt/ the changes urgently. [verb – to do]

After the spread of the virus, lockdowns, deaths and illness, there are knock on effects  /ɪˈfekts/that nobody would have expected a few years ago. [noun – result]




It is very difficult to work with people who think aloud /əˈlaʊd/. [adjective – not in silence]

Smoking is not allowed /əˈlaʊd/ on the bus! [adjective – permission]





It is often said that the most important thing on a car is the brake /breɪk/, rather than the engine. [noun – method of stopping a vehicle]

The phrase ‘a change is as good as rest’, means that by changing things, can be like taking a break /breɪk/. [noun – pause]




Imagine being lost in a desert /ˈdezət/ without water! [noun – sandy area with little rain]

The best dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/ has to be mince pies with custard. [noun – sweet typically eaten after a meal]


The following are words that do not sound or look the same but are often confused





Who has been to São Paulo? [visited and returned]

Where has he gone? [still there]




Come here! [towards me]

Go there! [away from me]




During the class, we spoke lots of English and it was wonderful. [same time as something else]

For over an hour we waited at the bus stop in the rain! [period of time]





They went to the cinema today. [movement]

He went for a check up at the doctor’s. [reason]




How dare you ask me to lend you money! [person with money to give]

If I need to borrow some money, I will let you know. [person who needs money]





Please, take the cake off the table as I cannot stop looking at it. [move from place to another]

Did anyone get the newspaper today? [bring here form another place]




Can you think of any more?

Maybe the idea of self study is not working anymore?

It may be that things have changed?

Are there others that you have difficulty with?





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