any or some

by | 5 Jul 2021 | General English, Grammar

Generally we use ‘some’ in positive sentences and ‘any’ in negative sentences




Somewhere, somehow, there is always a way.

We have some batteries in the cupboard.

Can someone let me in?

Something is happening over there!




We don’t have any food.

I did not do anything the whole day.

There is not anyone to help at the moment, can you come back later?

If there is any drama, you come and let me know.


We use ‘some’ to ask questions that we believe exists [we expect the answer to be in the positive]


Do we have some coffee?

Does someone have an idea?

There must be some way of fixing the computer?

Something will come along surely?

Is there a garage somewhere near here?


In questions we use any if we do not know if something or someone exists



Hello! Is there anybody there?

Is there any chance of going today?

Does the supermarket have any flour in stock?

Do you have any idea how difficult it was to come here today?

Does you car have any problems?


We use any if it does not matter which one


Anyone can help you.

I will have any cake as long as it is vegan.

You can help any way you can!



It does not matter what you do really. Do anything you can to help.

Any new words you learn in your English class will help.


How about you?

Can you think of any other examples?

Maybe you can think of some examples?



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