Emphasising superlatives

by | 19 Sep 2020 | General English, Grammar

Are you excited?



Superlative – an adjective or adverb that describes a maximum quality of something


You are the best!

The weather is amazing!

They look gorgeous ♥♥♥♥!


These sentences are fine but sometimes is something is so special, we want to express ourselves in a more appreciative way. Maybe it’s more shocking than a nice ice cream..



maybe life will never be the same again…



Emphasising superlatives


We can put words or expressions before superlative adjectives to make them stronger



This is easily the ‘best’ way to get there.

Thinking about it, Brazil is easily the furthest place I have flown to from the UK.


by far

That is by far the easiest English class I have ever had.

She ate what is by far the biggest the biggest pizza I have ever seen. 





On holiday I ate what was altogether the juiciest orange I have ever had in my life.  

As far as parties go, the DJ, music and food made your birthday party altogether the best party I have been to for a long time!




They called to say thanks for the tips for their trip to Bognor Regis; because of your tips, they had simply the best time ever!

During winter, it is simply freezing 24/7.



When speaking, there are additional expressions we can use after comparative and superlative forms


by a long way


this vegan cheese is better than the other by a long way (comparative)

walking is the slowest way of commuting to and from work by a long way (superlative)


by far


Today’s snowfall was the heavier by far (comparative)

Today’s snowfall was the heaviest this week by far (superlative)


We can repeat a comparative form to emphasise a point



That giraffe seems to be getting taller and taller

The pollution is getting worse and worse





How is your year, is getting better or worse?

How is it better or worse?



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