Legal English: Contracts

by | 23 May 2020 | Legal English





Send the contract to the party. (movement)

The company attribute the changes to a changing demand. (realisation/recognition)

The parties will have to discuss the terms to decide how to move forward. (verb – to + infinitive)




As this is contested, it will not be possible to proceed further.

The product both companies have are ‘prima facie‘ the not the same as each other.

What  you are telling me is not the same as what the claimant is saying.




To comply with the terms of the agreement, permission will be sought before proceeding. 

With the maxims uppermost in mind, no court will side with us. 

With both parties contesting ownership, nothing is going to happen quickly. 




Under the terms of the said agreement, it will not be possible to trade withing 50 miles of the office.

As you claim you were under duress at the time of entering into an agreement, there may be grounds for voiding the contract.

The obligation to pay commission is under the terms of the agreement, we would need to try and renegotiate the terms of the contract if you don’t want to operate under this.  




There are a number of factors one must consider before entering into an agreement.

Of course, you can call me if you need any further assistance

Having perused the proposal, there is nothing of concern we need to worry about. 




At the time of signing the agreement, it was clear that both parties were happy with what had been agreed; there is no suggestion of ill intention.

At the meeting, the articles of association caused a dispute to begin.

 When a suggestion came to light of compensation, my client balked at the mentioned figure.





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