Expressions Describing Sickness

by | 6 Jun 2019 | General English, Grammar

Talking about being sick or having health problems there is plenty of opportunity to use English. An interesting question that keeps ‘coming up‘ in classes is what’s the difference between ill and sick and disease?



ill (adjective)

Similar to ‘sick’, means ‘not in good health’. ill is not normally used before a noun. 

Hilda was ill last year from some time.

I feel ill.

You look ill.


sick (adjective)

I have a sick uncle who stays at home all the time

Do you feel sick?

They both ate the same food and felt sick.

In British English ‘to be sick’ means ‘to vomit’: I want ‘to be sick’


disease (noun)



A disease is caused by infection or failure to health which impairs normal function and has specific symptoms and signs.

An epidemic is a rapid spread of infectious disease.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious disease which is spread through the air.

The first symptom of the disease is a very high temperature.


Phrasal verbs



Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and a particle. A particle is a word that are used as prepositions or adverbs (up, on, out etc)


Every winter I go down with flu. (suffer the effects/catch/become ill)

If I stay on the beach all day, I come out in a rash. (show symptoms)

I have an allergy which makes my nose blocked up. (when it’s difficult to breathe through the nose because of catarrh)

There is a virus going around, make sure you was your hands. (when something exists and there is a possibility of experiencing it)




When you you last sick?

What was wrong with you?

What were the symptoms?

What did you do to feel better?

What remedies do people in your country take or make to help people who are sick or don’t feel well?

Expressions Describing Sickness
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Expressions Describing Sickness
Talking about being sick or having health problems there is plenty of opportunity to use English. An interesting question that keeps ‘coming up‘ in classes is what’s the difference between ill and sick and disease?
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